
Freedom from violence

24. Encourages States to implement the recommendations made in the United Nations study on violence against children, building upon the follow-up process promoted  by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on violence against children, urging  them to prioritize prevention in order to address the serious incidence and long-term impact  of all forms of violence against children perpetrated throughout the world, in their homes  and families, in schools and other education centres, in care and justice systems,
workplaces and in communities; 

25. Notes with appreciation the consolidated partnerships promoted by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on violence against children in coordination with national Governments, United Nations agencies, regional organizations, human rights bodies and mechanisms and representatives of civil society, and with the participation of children;

26. Calls upon all States and invites United Nations entities and agencies, regional organizations and civil society, including non-governmental organizations, to cooperate with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on violence against children in promoting further implementation of the recommendations made in the United Nations study on violence against children, and encourages States to provide support to the Special Representative, including adequate and predictable financial support, for the continued, effective and independent performance of her mandate, as set out by the General Assembly in its resolution 62/141 of 18 December 2007, and invites the private sector to provide voluntary contributions for that purpose

Thursday, 19 April 2012
Document Type: 
UN Documents
Document Title: 
Resolution on the Rights of the Child - Human Rights Council (19th Session)
Symbol Code: 