ILO Convention 189


This booklet presents a set of new international labour standards – Convention No. 189 and Recommendation No. 201 concerning decent work for domestic workers - adopted on 16 June 2011 by the ILO’s International Labour Conference. The Convention and Recommendation are founded on the fundamental premise that domestic workers are neither “servants”, nor “members of the family” nor second-class workers. These standards provide the basis for improving the working and living conditions of tens of millions of domestic workers performing work that has been undervalued historically and traditionally done by women.

They embrace a large and growing category of workers who are often migrants or members of disadvantaged communities. Their work is often hidden, their vulnerability high. The Convention and Recommendation are historic because, for the first time, international instruments are applied to an essentially informal segment of the global  workforce. Due recognition is given to the social and economic value of domestic work. These instruments provide the basis for ensuring that under the law, domestic workers have the respect and rights that workers in the formal economy have long fought for and acquired.

Yet, as always, the adoption of these standards is a beginning – they need to be ratified and implemented. Now begins the collective task of ILO constituents to ensure their concrete application at the country level. It is fitting that these standards were adopted during the 100th session of the International Labour Conference – a significant milestone in the Organization’s history. We have reached this point through the efforts of many, not least those of domestic workers themselves who have tenaciously mobilized to secure their rights and improved conditions of work, often in very difficult circumstances. Convention No. 189 guarantees minimum labour protections to domestic workers on par with other categories of workers, while allowing for considerable flexibility in implementation. The accompanying Recommendation provides practical and useful guidance on how to give effect to the obligations embedded in the Convention. Bringing domestic workers into the fold of the international labour standards system is a crucial development in moving towards the goal of decent work for all. Domestic workers are entitled to decent work as are all workers.

Juan Somavia


Thursday, 16 June 2011
Document Type: 
International Instruments
Document Title: 
ILO Convention 189
Document File: