Special Representative Maalla M'jid answers your questions!

In a historic moment, Dr Najat Malla M’jid, the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children, reported to children about the work of the mandate in 2021, with children moderating and asking questions.  

Over four hundred participants joined the virtual event around the globe. More than two hundred questions were submitted by children during and after the event.

The online briefing marked a very important milestone in child rights and participation, emphasizing the importance of working with children as key agents of change in preventing and eliminating violence against children and receiving feedback from those who are the most affected by the phenomenon. 

Many of the questions asked by children during the event were not answered at the time due to time constraints but to fulfill the promise made by Special Representative Maalla M'jid at the event,  their voices won't be left unheard.

In the videos below,  Dr Najat Malla M’jid's shares her views and thoughts on some of the questions asked by children: