Ending Violence Against Children is an accelerator to achieve SDGs



All SDGs touch the lives of children in one way or another.

Children’s well-being and protection from violence is a cross-sector agenda and goes beyond SDG 16.2 on ending all forms of violence against children.

The close interconnection between the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and children’s well-being needs to be made explicit: realizing children’s rights, including their right to protection from violence, will help to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs.

Only six years remain until the 2030 deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), yet the world is off track on most SDG targets.


We need to act NOW!



Latest Publications


A Safer World for Children with Sustainable Development Goals

Read the document in: Arabic  | English  | French  | Russian  | Spanish



Investing in Children: An Accelerator for the Sustainable Development Goals | 2023 

Read the document in: Arabic  | English  | French  | Spanish  




Former Publications




  • Impact of Covid 19 on Children



  • Keeping the Promise: Ending Violence Against Children by 2030: English