Children in Street Situations

Children in street situations are children first and foremost
Children in Street Situations
Children in street situations live in a complex reality where the street becomes their home, workplace, and social environment. These children are often forced into street life due to poverty, family violence, or displacement caused by conflict and natural disasters. Despite their resilience, they face significant risks, including abuse, exploitation, and arrest, simply for being on the street. Yet, these children are first and foremost, children with rights that need protection, including the right to safety, shelter, education, and health care.
Call to Action for Governments and Decision-Makers
Governments and decision-makers must prioritize the protection and well-being of all children, including those in street situations. This involves recognizing their rights and ensuring access to essential services like education, health care, and legal protection. Adequate resources must be allocated to combat poverty and support families, preventing children from being forced into street life. Additionally, involving children in decision-making processes and improving social support systems are crucial steps in helping these children reconnect with their families and communities.