United Nations Task Force on Children Deprived of Liberty Joint Pledge To Support The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

The United Nations Task Force on Children Deprived of Liberty pledges:
- To conduct evidence-based advocacy and to mobilize all key stakeholders at all levels to scale up child rights-based protective solutions to end the detention of children in the context of migration.
- To support Member States to harmonize their national legal frameworks with international human rights standards to explicitly prohibit detention of children based on their migration status or that of their families.
- To support data collection and the dissemination of promising practices on child rights-based protective solutions as alternative measures to end the detention of children in the context of migration.
- To involve and amplify the voices of migrant children in determining their best interest in all issues concerning children in legislation, policies, practices, including those related to integration, return and family reunification; as well as access to services, to justice and to remedies for violations of their rights.