POP: Protection through online Participation

Tell us how you use online platforms to be safer!




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Frequently Asked Questions



Why are we running this poll?

We are running the poll because we want to better understand how children and young people are using the Internet to access protection, so we can make recommendations for improving or implementing these systems.


What kind of questions are we asking?

We are asking children and young people about the online platforms and tools they use when they feel unsafe, scared, or uncomfortable (whether this feeling comes from an online or offline experience).


How are we keeping the information from the poll safe?

When we gather the information, it will only be accessible to people working directly on the poll. Once all the results are double-checked and published, we won’t need the information from the poll anymore. We will then delete the data from individual poll responses permanently.


Where can I seek advice or support if I am concerned about experiencing harm online? 

As we mentioned, we are not asking you to share information on any personal experiences of being harmed online. But we know that if you or someone you know has had that kind of experience, even answering general questions about online safety has the potential to be upsetting. Your safety and well-being are priority number one. If you are feeling uncomfortable or upset at any time, we strongly encourage you to reach out for support to a parent or another trusted adult. There may also be a child helpline in your country that can offer advice and support. You can find the list of child helplines around the world here: www.childhelplineinternational.org/helplines/


Are we gathering personal information?

No. The poll is anonymous. We will not be gathering any information that can identify anyone replying to the poll. That’s why we are not asking for any names, email addresses, social media handles, or other identifying information. We are asking about things like your age and country. That’s because when we put all the results together, it can be helpful to highlight if particular concerns come up for different age groups or across different regions. But that information cannot be used to identify you specifically.


What if someone has a question about the poll before answering it? 

If you have a question about the poll, you can send a message to srsg-vac@un.org or cop@itu.int. We will get back to you as soon as we can!


How are we going to use the answers to the poll?

This poll is being run by a network of over 30 partners for an initiative called POP (Protection through online participation) led by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Office of the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children (sorry for the long names!). POP has the goal of better understanding how children and young people use the Internet to be safer, when they are at risk of experiencing harm. These results will be combined with more information so all these partners can make recommendations on how to improve and implement systems that support children through online means. You can read more about POP, including who the partner organizations are here: https://violenceagainstchildren.un.org/content/pop