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SRSG Najat Maalla M’jid congratulates France for adoption of legislation to ban corporal punishment of children in all settings
New York, 3 July 2019 - SRSG Najat Maalla M’jid commends the passing of the Bill entitled “interdiction des violences educatives ordinaires” approved by the French Parliament.
“I congratulate the Government and the people of France for this breakthrough development which is of crucial importance for the protection of children from violence in the country. Laws and regulations are critical for the functioning of child protection systems. They determine the prohibition of certain acts and express public recognition that some violations are not acceptable.” said SRSG Najat Maalla M’jid.
With the passing of the ban on corporal punishment, over 55 countries have achieved legal prohibition in all settings, including the home, just days after Kosovo passed similar legislation. The text, adopted unanimously, includes in the Civil Code, an article that is read in civil weddings in France that "parental authority is exercised without physical or psychological violence."
This decision will help to further strengthen children’s protection from violence and ensure that every child grows up free from fear, neglect, abuse and exploitation, as called for by the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. SRSG Najat Maalla M'jid is strongly committed to collaborate with Member States towards universal prohibition and encourages all actors to work together to achieve this goal.
SRSG Najat Maalla M'jid congratulates all organisations and individuals involved in this landmark achievement to secure children’s rights and very especially children’s right to protection from all forms of violence in all settings, including corporal punishment within the family. “This is a significant step for France and constitutes an important reference for developments in other nations across the globe" stressed Ms. Maalla M’jid.
As Member States of the United Nations move forward with steady implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, these national legislative measures are critical for countries to achieve the child-related targets of the new Agenda, particularly SDG Target 16.2 to end all forms of violence against children.