Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy

Sustainable Development Goal 7 addresses violence against children.


A safe, clean and connected living environment

Safe and healthy living environments, including accessible public transportation systems, water and sanitation, modern energy and technology, are essential for children’s well-being and protection. For example, children are often tasked with fetching water and firewood for the household, and those travelling long distances to do so are at risk of violence. Long hours spent on these tasks also compromise their development and education.

Access to information and communication technologies (ICT) enhances children’s learning and increases their opportunities for social contact and access to protection, as well as their participation. Various web-based helplines for children saw an increase in contacts during the COVID-19 pandemic. The online world can also put children at risk of exploitation and abuse, which harm their health (including their mental health), education and development.



VNR reporting on violence per SDG



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