Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Sustainable Development Goal 17 addresses violence against children.


Children as agents of change

A successful national development plan requires inclusive partnerships – at the global, regional, national, and local levels – that are based on shared visions, principles and values that place all people, including children, at the center. Children are agents of change15 and need to be a part of participatory and representative decision-making processes.

When children engage with their peers and adult counterparts in civic activities, it helps to strengthen their protection against violence, as well as the prevention of and response to that violence. Children’s meaningful participation as peaceful agents of change is empowering not only to each child individually but also collectively to their entire generation. Participation strengthens their sense of self-confidence and citizenship, deepens their understanding of their rights, creates an environment that is conducive to speaking up and helps to redress the injustices suffered by themselves and their peers. Safe, inclusive and accessible public spaces17 are essential for the creation of such an environment.



VNR reporting on violence per SDG



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