Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Sustainable Development Goal 8 addresses violence against children.
Decent work
Decent work for all, including women, young people and migrant workers, promotes sustainable economic growth and enables families and caregivers to provide for the health, development and protection of their children. In stark contrast, child labor is an egregious form of violence that is contrary to the very concept of decent work and must be ended. It harms the health, development and education of children and perpetuates the vicious cycle of poverty and deprivation.
Children on move
Without legal status and the protection and access to services that come with it, children on the move are at increased risk of various forms of violence, exploitation and abuse. Strengthening social, economic and political inclusion can help to address some of the push factors for migration, while policies and practices that support orderly, safe and regular migration can help to mitigate the risks of violence for children and their families.