Inter-American Consultation of Experts on the Protection of Children of the bullying and cyberbullying - 27 April - Mexico City

Objectives of the Expert Consultation

The objectives of the expert consultation are to enrich the knowledge and enhance the national experiences and actions of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, to promote a culture of peace and prevent and end violence, in particular bullying and cyberbullying.
1.    Do a survey and document good practices and successful experiences and lessons learned with respect to legal norms, public policies, education and awareness campaigns, statistical data and information from the children themselves.
2.    Share and exchange practical experiences of the different countries in the areas already mentioned.
3.    Develop recommendations that contribute to:
a. Provide regional information to inform the development of the Secretary-General Report on Protection of children from bullying (see
b. Report on programs and actions at the national level regarding the protection of children and adolescents from bullying and cyberbullying to accelerate progress in achieving sustainable development goals, in particular 4.7, 4.a and 16.2.

Concept note (Spanish)

Friday, 27 April 2018 - 9:15pm