Protecting children from bullying - Side Event 73rd Session of the General Assembly
Whether online or in person, bullying is among children’s top concerns. It affects a high proportion of children, compromising their health, emotional well-being and school performance, and is associated with devastating lifelong consequences. On the occasion of the presentation of the Report of the Secretary-General on Protecting Children from Bullying, the Offce of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children and the Permanent Missions of
Mexico and Lithuania will host a panel discussion in cooperation with UNICEF and UNESCO. The event will shed light on the serious impact of bullying on the enjoyment of children’s rights, while acknowledging positive experiences and progress
made by Member States in addressing this phenomenon, as well as areas where more efforts are needed to ensure the protection of children from this manifestation of violence.
The side event aims to mobilize further progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development goals, especially SDG 4 on quality education and SDG 16.2 on the elimination of all forms of violence against children by 2030, and to inform the 2019 review of progress by the High-Level Political Forum and the General Assembly.
The event will take place in Conference Room 6 of the United Nations HQ.