Law Reform
Concept note Program List of Participants
Geneva, 6-7 July 2011
Moushira Khattab
Former Vice-Chair of the Committee on the Rights of the Child
Opportunities & Challenges in Developing Appropriate Legal Frameworks to Prevent and Address FGM - Power point Presentation
Vanessa Sedletzki
UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre
The Role of Independent Institutions in Law Reform - Statement
Alexandra Martins
International Standards and Norms on Juvenile Justice and Law Reform Statement
Ann Skelton
University of Pretoria
Law Reform to Challenge Violence against Children in Different Settings, including the Juvenile Justice System, drawing on the South African Experience Statement
Susan Bissell
Law Reform to Prevent and Address Violence in Care and Alternative Care Statement
Tanja Kleinsorge
Council of Europe
Legal Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation: The Lanzarote Convention and One in Five Campaign Statement
Daja Wenke
Legal Reform Strategy to Prohibit Corporal Punishment against Children in Venezuela & Costa Rica
Combining Law Review and Reform Processes to Strengthen Children's Protection from Trafficking and other Complex Child Protection Issues Statement
Bobby Mkangi & Cecilia Anicama
Office of the SRSG on Violence against Children
Legal Reform Strategy to Prohibit Corporal Punishment against Children in Venezuela & Costa Rica Statement
Najat Maalla M'Jid
Special Rapporteur on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution & Child Pornography
- Sexual Exploitation of Children Statement