Human Rights Council side event "Violence against children in detention"

Wednesday, 16 September 2015 - 11:00am

It is estimated that globally 1 million children are deprived of their liberty – and many are at a high risk of violence at the hands of staff, adult detainees and other child detainees, or in the form of self-harm.
Welcome and introduction
Paul Øystein Bjørdal, First Secretary, Permanent Representation of Norway to the United Nations
Panel discussion with
 Ann-Kristin Vervik, Office of the UN Special Representative to the Secretary General on Violence against Children
 Juan Méndez, Special Rapporteur on Torture (via video messages)
 Azamat Shambilov, Director Central Asia Office, Penal Reform International
 Anna Tomasi, Advocacy Officer, Defence for Children International
Moderated by
Andrea Huber, Policy Director, Penal Reform International
