Regional consultation on the protection of children from bullying

Section 1: Contextualizing bullying
Marta Santos Pais, Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence against Children, presentation Spanish
Mary Guinn, UNESCO, presentation Spanish
Grace Vásquez, Director, National Council for Intergenerational equality of Ecuador
Public policies to prevent and address bullying promoted by Ecuador Spanish
Hyacinth Blair, Children's Affairs Division, Ministry Of Youth And Culture of Jamaica
Investigating the prevalence and impact of peer abuse (bullying) on the development of Jamaica’s children English
Antonieta Aguilera García, National Institute for Evaluation of Education of Mexico
Mexico’s experience in assessing bullying Spanish
Section 2: National legal frameworks
Marta Santos Pais, Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence against Children, presentation Spanish
Maria del Carmen Santiago, National Director on Children and Adolescents, Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations of Peru
National legal framework to prevent and address bullying in Peru Spanish
Section 3: Public policies
Victor Giorgi, General Director, Inter-American Institute of Children and Adolescents, Organization of American States
Intergenerational networks. A tool to protect children and adolescents Spanish
Lorena Flores Plata, Deputy Director of the national program for peaceful coexistence in schools in Mexico
Public policies to ensure schools free from bullying Spanish
Minerva Perez, General Director of Counselling and Psychology of Dominican Republic
Public policies to prevent and safeguard children from bullying Spanish
Section 4 campaigns and raising awareness initiatives to address bullying
Cesar Bazan General Manager of Innovation for Development I4d Peru
Campaigns to prevent and address bullying Spanish
Esther Oldak Finkler, National Program for peaceful coexistence in schools in Mexico
National program of peaceful coexistence in Mexican schools Spanish
Zaira Navas, Executive Director, National Council of Children and Adolescents of El Salvador
El Salvador campaign and awareness raising iniatiatives to address bullying Spanish
Mendy del Socorro Arauz Silva, Director of the counselling program for educational settings in Nicaragua
National strategy for the prevention of bullying in Nicaragua Spanish
Other resources