High-level Meeting on Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals Relating to Violence against Children in South Asia
Objectives of the High-‐level Round Table Meeting
• To promote a common understanding of why violence against children is essential for sustainable development in the South Asian context and their corresponding targets;
• To promote a common understanding of the distinct and cross-‐cutting targets related to violence against children;
• Initiate discussion on national and regional policies and practices that may prevent and respond to violence against children and advance implementation of the SDG’s violence related targets and to pursue progress in the follow-‐up to the UN Study on Violence against Children;
• To promote learning and exchange and to share concrete examples of policy change that address violence against children; and,
• To consider the future agenda in the South Asian context, including priorities and strategies for achieving and measuring progress of the VaC related SDGs at national and region all level.
Expected Outcomes
• Commitment to ending violence against children in the region is reaffirmed.
• A common understanding of the VaC agenda specific to South Asia is established.
• High level policy priorities or implications related to VaC are identified / agreed.
This high level meeting will include a representative from the government of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka; regional UN and INGOs; as well as select experts from the region as well as globally. In total it will comprise approximately 35-‐40 people.